Support The Big Garden
Support Our Educators!
Our education team is off to a fantastic start along with the school year! Help us help them continue carrying out our mission and ensuring no kid goes hungry.
Your donation helps us increase access to fresh produce, build skills, and create stronger communities through community gardening.
Community Garden Sponsorship Program
If you are interested and ready to become a Garden Sponsorship click the link below and select the level of sponsorship you would like to take on!
We are excited about this new expansion to our Gardens program and hope you are too. Food production and urban agriculture is at an all-time high for needs in communities where food insecurity is out of control.
From our Social Media and Newsletter!
This spring, east Nebraska and west Iowa have experienced the most active tornado season on record. KMTV reports the total number of tornadoes for 2024 is at a record-breaking 66 tornadoes. The second highest tornado year was back in 2008 with a mere 46. Click here to read the full article.
While we are eternally grateful that our greenhouses are still standing, there is now an imminent threat of trees collapsing directly onto our greenhouse. If we hope to continue operations, we need your assistance raising $5000 to hire a contractor to help remove this threat to our production. We fear that it will only take one strong windfall for the tree to collapse.
Help us avoid a work-stopping disaster from happening on our campus by making a contribution today! Click the link to help us reach our goal!
Other ways to support The Big Garden