First Name
Last Name
Why are you interested in starting a community garden?
Please List the Name and Address of Church or Organization:
Approximate number of people in your Church or Organization:
Secondary garden leader and contact information
Include name, email, and phone number
Location of potential garden site:
Do you have permission to use the site?
Which committee or group at the church or organization will be responsible for building, maintaining, and/or harvesting the garden?
Who will participate in the garden? (For example, seniors, youth, school children, community members, church members, etc.)
How will you include neighbors, other faith groups, garden clubs, community organizations, schools, or agencies in your garden?
Who will be consuming the produce from the garden?
How will the food be distributed? (For example, picked themselves, delivered to an agency, school cafeteria, food pantry, etc.)
Do you have a way to store your produce? Such as a walk-in cooler, kitchen refrigerator, root cellar, etc.
What expenses do you expect to incur in starting the garden?
Please provide a very simple projected budget if possible.
How will you go about insuring the garden’s financial sustainability in the future?
Is the land relatively level? If no, please describe terrain or grade:
If you are planning on gardening directly in-ground, is the soil safe for use?
Has there been a building on this site in the past that may have contained lead paint (built before 1978)? If the soil hasn’t been tested, you will need to get it tested before planting. Contact your local Extension office to find out how.
Do soil amendments need to be added before planting?
How is water drainage at the potential garden site?
Do you have a large number of trees or land clearing concerns?
Is there a water source within 50 feet of the garden site? Is the water source from a building faucet, frost-free hydrant, irrigation line, or drip irrigation?
If there currently isn’t an available water source, what is the plan to create one?
Does the garden space get at least 7-8 hours of sunlight during the growing season?
Is there an indoor space for gatherings at or near the garden?
Is there an outdoor space for gatherings or classes at or near the garden?
Is there a lockable tool storage space? If so, how will you allow all gardeners access?
Is there a space for composting?