The Facts:


13.1 million children lived in food-insecure households in 2015.

Twenty percent or more of the child population in 30 states and D.C. lived in food-insecure households in 2014, according to the most recent data available. Mississippi (27%) and New Mexico (27%) had the highest rates of children in households without consistent access to food.

In 2015, African-Americans were more than twice as likely to be unemployed (10%) as their White counterparts (5%).

One in five (22%) African American households is food insecure as compared with one in 10 (10%) Caucasian households and one in eight (13%) households overall.

More than one in four African American children (27%) live in food-insecure households as compared to one in seven (14%) Caucasian children.

More than one in five (21%) Latinos are food insecure as compared to just one in 10 (10%) White, non-Hispanics and one in eight (13%) Americans overall.

Nearly one in four Latino children (24%) lives in a food-insecure household as compared to one in seven (14%) White, non-Hispanic children.

In 2015, 2.9 million (8%) households with seniors age 65 and older experienced food insecurity. More than 1.2 million (9%) households composed of seniors living alone experienced food insecurity.

In 2014, 5.7 million Americans over the age of 60 were food insecure. This constitutes 9 percent of all seniors.

15 percent of rural households are food insecure, or an estimated 2.8 million households.

7.4 million Americans (16.7%) living in rural areas live below the federal poverty line.

47 percent of people in families with a single female head of household living in rural areas were poor in 2015, as compared to 35 percent in the suburbs.

Click here for our Food Justice Presentation

Feeding America's Hunger Data:

Hunger and Food Security Handouts (Johns Hopkins University)

Hunger and Food Security Lesson (Johns Hopkins University)

Hunger and Food Security Slides (Johns Hopkins University)

Bread for the World state-by-state data on hunger and poverty.